Living The LIFE

LC in a Helicopter Ride over Los Angeles
Did you miss us?! Well we’re back!

My, oh my, did all of us Toasters have a blast while in beautiful and sunny Los Angeles. It did rain a couple days, though. Get that. California has a drought for like 5 years and then we show up from Minnesota and boom. We can’t complain, sure beats the 15° snow shoveling!

We did so many things when we were out there like tour the movie productions studios, take a helicopter ride over the city, visit celebrity homes in Beverly Hills, and take a little day trip over to the Hoover Dam and Grand Canyon (see all photos over on ourInstagram). But the biggest takeaway we had was the whole reason we went; to learn more about what we can do for small businesses.

We won’t go into our opinion of the current President and all the changes he is making that negatively affect small businesses, but we can tell you this… we must do more to help. Sponsored by National Small Business Association®, we attended the Mom and Pop Small Business Support Convention. While there, we had many open conversations with small business owners and professionals in related fields. It isn’t easy running a small business but it is the mom and pop stores that keep this economy going.

Look at our owners and this business. We are a mom and pop, just ran by two brothers. LC and Darren had a vision and work hard every day to make it come true. They are just like many small business owners. But they do have the help of LC’s resources and Darren’s experience in the cooking industry. Not all business owners have this luxury. It starts with a dream, but it takes a community to build a small business. This is where we at Mac’s Toastery come in.

Starting the minute that we landed, we have gone to work making calls to small businesses in the Bloomington area and asked them where we can help. You will see four of the businesses we are working with this week on our Facebook page. We ask you as members of the community to help if you can. These are good people running these businesses. We look forward to the future in Bloomington, MN, and the world when small businesses thrive!



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