Playing Our Part

It was recently brought to our attention, by a couple of our daughters, that their school had to recently slash the music program and let the choir teacher Ms. Gillian Rosemore go. We first want to note this, Ms. Rosemore is the most passionate and creative artist most of us have been fortunate to meet while here in Bloomington. She is a huge reason why we were happy enrolling our children in the school she taught at. She did not deserve this and in Ms. Rosemore's transition into her next position, we here at Mac's Toastery have brought her on as a musical coordinator for our live music that we will be having upon open in August.

It breaks our hearts to hear that music and art is being cut from schools. We did a little research and according to, funds have been cut in more than 80 percent of U.S. schools since 2008. 80 PERCENT!!! This is preposterous to even take in. This is why we have come up with the #PlayingOurPart initiative this week where we want to honor local schools trying to fight against this epidemic sweeping the country.

We ask all of you to help us make a change. You can go online to any one of these four websites to help donate and learn about what charities across the country are doing to play their part:

1. VH1 Save the Music Foundation
2. The Roots of Music
3. Fender Music Foundation
4. Girls Rock Camp Alliance

*No money was received to promote these charities, in full disclosure.


We invite you all out to our local schools' team event performance,
The School of Rock. You can find a complete list of dates and the
location on their website. We hope to see you out supporting the
children! They're our future. Let's not take things away
from them, certainly not music and art!


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